Friday, March 9, 2012

For the love of Eliza

This precious gem of a girl is Eliza.

She is 5 years and 6 months old.

Her Reece's Rainbow profile says that she deserves a family of her own if only for a little while.

Do you know why that is?

Eliza has a medical condition that will shorten her life span.

I am sure that to potetial families that seems like a very scary situation to put yourself in, but guess
what, It's not about you.You think that your scared. Imagine how this sweet, precious, innocent, little girl feels having no mommy or daddy of her own.

 Having no one to love on her or tuck her in Having no one to turn to that will comfort her worries. I  know that I may come off as harsh, but gosh darnit I have to. Too many people do not grasp the severity of this particular situation.

I recently buried my grandmother.
 She was sick for quite some time and relied on oxygen machines.

 The power went out and so we reached for the portable oxygen which had worked everytime before ,but this particular time it did not. She went to be with God the next day.

I was with her when the ambulance picked her up.

I was with her when she was on life support.

I was with her when she passed , and even after she was gone I helped fix her hair and make-up
for her funeral.

The point is somone was with her. My entire family was with her.

I didn't write all this because I want sympathy or because I want a pat on the back. I wrote this to let
you know that even though it was hard and I cryed countless tears, every single second was worth it.

 Just being with her even as her heart beat for the last time was
100 percent,
without shadow of a doubt worth it.

My hopes are that by sharing my recent experience  someone will be the support and love for Eliza the way that my family and I were for my grandma.

In Loving Memory of Patricia Ann "Hendricks" Rabie

Here is a link to Eliza's Reece's Rainbow Page:


  1. What a sweet post. prayers to your Grandma and your family at this time. and prayers for that precious sweetie to find a family soon.

  2. Thank You Theresa for your prayers. I hope that Eliza finds her family really soon as well :)
