Sunday, October 27, 2013

Getting HIM HOME!

We waited and watched and begged and pleaded and prayed with all of our hearts for a sweet little boy named Andrei half way around the world to find a family. He was running out of time and it was almost to late. Just before he aged out (10 days to be exact) a family stepped out on faith to adopt this sweet little soul.

That family was the Stolz family. They had NO intention of adopting at the time but GOD had other plans. This sweet innocent little soul who has now waited just over 16 years to have a family now has a mommy and a daddy coming for him. A family who WANTS him and VALUES him. A family who knows that he is an amazing human being who will flourish and grow with love.

Being that they were not expecting to adopt they will need a little help to get him home. They currently have a page set up for accepting donations through You Caring.

I am personally offering a $500 dollar matching grant. As it stands his You Caring account has $3,153. When it reads $3,653 I will donate and additional $500 to his adoption fund. That means that your donations are worth DOUBLE the money. This sweet boy needs to be home ASAP and I know that WE as a community can make it happen. Please do everything in your power  to help Andrei. Pray, share, shout it from the roof tops wherever you can. School, home, work, church. Please tell anyone who will listen about this amazing boy who despite all he has been through has the most beautiful smile you will ever see. Who has survived through grim circumstances that we can not begin to imagine or comprehend. I think we could all stand to learn a thing or two from Andrei.

You can make your donations to Andrei at this link

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