Saturday, March 7, 2015

Reigny Days

 Recently being an advocate has allowed for me to come across some pretty incredible kids who have been adopted. Some of whom I have met in person and others who's journeys I have been allowed to follow through blogs and other forms of social media. The children who tend to touch my heart the most are those who have serious or multiple special needs. Children like Reign. I have seen first hand all of the amazing transformations that theses kids make day by day, month by month, year by year.

Reign is another beautiful flower just waiting to be given the opportunity to bloom. She has spent a little over 15 years of her life living within the confines of a crib.

Society may look at Reign and children like her and think they have no purpose or use in the world, but the could not be more wrong. For anyone who has spent time with a person who has special needs they know that the truth is the complete opposite.

Children like Reign carry beauty in their souls that is unmatched by anything I have ever seen or felt in my life. They carry sincerity in their laughs and smiles and an innocence in their very being that you have to experience first hand to know is real.

If we do not find a family for Reign by December all of the incredible gifts she holds will not be able to be shared with a family. Someone, somewhere out there will miss out on the beauty that is Reign.
She currently has a grant of over $7,000 to help with the cost of her adoption. If you have any questions at all please please please do not hesitate to ask me.

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