Saturday, April 21, 2012

Sarah's Save

This little girl has endured more heartbreak and pain then you can ever imagine.Yet she still smiles.

You think you have it bad because someone takes your parking spot, or your wearing last years

jeans,but you have a roof over your head.Food on your table.A family who loves you. You are

PRIVALGED in so many ways.This has not been Sarah's experience in life. In her past 6 years she

has suffered more rejection than most people have to deal with in a lifetime. She has been told time

and again how useless and unworthy she is .She has 2 more weeks before her file is sent back and

she is once again told that she is unworthy of being loved.I on the other hand believe the complete

opposite. I believe that she is worthy beyond words, and that God has a purpose for her beyond what

 any of us can comprehend.We may are all not the same and we each come with our own set of

challenges. Just like Sarah. I have the utmost FAITH that someone will rescue this sweet girl before

it is to late. I BELIEVE that God has big plans for her and will not leave her.  How would you feel if

 Sarah was your child? If you knew that your baby went to bed everynight unloved, laying in soiled

diapers. What if you baby had layed in a crib all day long and recieved only enough nutrients to

sustain her, not even enough to fill her up.Just think about that. Now think about how God feels

 knowing his tiny child is laying there and none of his children are caring for her.As of now she is

still waiting for a family of her very own.Please do not hesitate to contact me by leaving a comment

here of facebooking me.I will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have. I have

nothing more to say. So now I will leave you with a quote to ponder.

 Sometimes I would like to ask God why he allows poverty, famine , and injustice in the world when

 he could do something about it.....but I am afraid he will ask me the same thing- anonymous

                                                        Sarah's Reece's Rainbow link


  1. I prayed and prayed for this little girl. God really placed a burden on my heart for her. I knew there would not be enough time for us to go through the adoption process to save her. I also have two small children who leave toys all over, which is not good for blind children. But I prayed a lot. Me and three other women went up to the altar at church today to plead out to God for her. When I got home, I told my two teenage nieces about Sarah, and asked them to help pray for her. I went to show my one niece Sarah's picture, and found it said she found her family. Praise God for saving this child!! I am in awe of Him today.

    1. I am very glad that she has found her family. I have been hoping and praying that she and Keegan both would find their families. So it's one down and one to go. I don't know if you are aware of Keegan's situation but he is 15 months old and facing transfer to an adult mental institution because his baby house is closing down so I am hoping that he is the next one to find his family.God Bless
